We told you that the
Biden administration
is funding a number
of secretive biolabs
in Ukraine, labs
that are conducting
experiments on
highly dangerous
Toria Nuland, the
Under Secretary of
State, casually
mentioned in a
Senate hearing on
Tuesday that
actually, yes, the
Biden administration
does fund a series
of biolabs in
Ukraine and whatever
is in these labs is
very dangerous.
There is an
important story
here, it's why the
U.S. government is
lying about it.
The questions about
the biolabs in
Ukraine that
everyone should be
Why is the United
States funding these
biolabs that are not
doing anything close
to what the Pentagon
claims they are
Why is the
White House press
secretary from the
podium contradicting
what the director of
the Pentagon's bioweapons control
program has already
admitted is true?
Why is she doing
that and how should
we feel about all of
Insulted, but
also very concerned.
There is absolutely
a story here, a
story that matters,
clearly. That's why
they're lying about