logo literally has a Swastika in
This is not a coincidence. NATO
is the 4th Reich."
"I will never forgive NATO for
what they did to Gaddafi."
~ Rev Laskaris, USA
"NATO bombed Libya back to the
Stone Age, turning a country
that had the highest standard of
living in Africa into a
war-torn, failed state where
people are now being sold in
open-air slave markets.
Yet, 0 sanctions were
implemented, and 0 ICC arrests
warrants were issued."
~ Sarah, Lebanon

"NATO is not a defense alliance, it's a war
machine. Ask the people of Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya."
~ Mick Wallace, Member of the European
Parliament from Ireland
"NATO is the largest, and most deadly terrorist
organization since Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan."
~ Rev Laskaris