Insanity in individuals is
something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. |
Nietzsche |
Proponents of degenderization
claim that it advances
The devil
can cite
for his
purpose. |
Shakespeare |
Parents or
doctors who
'sterilize a
before they
are a
adult should
go to prison
for life. |
Elon Musk |
Why Sex-less Cultures Are
Bound To Extinct
Emergence of sexless cultures
may look like
devoluton of the
human race. Yet, this is not
really so because sexless
cultures are bound to extinct.
Enlightened ones give two
main reasons for the same: |
1. Fertility Issues
In sex-less cultures, reproductive rights are not protected.
Sex-less persons with zero capability for reproduction are celebrated and
promoted. This inspires more people to transform themselves in order to join the
sex-less elite. |
2. Degradation of School
In sex-less cultures, school
system lost focus on teaching
kids reading, writing, science
and math.
Instead, school teachers are
more worried about
pronouns and denying the very
nature of women and men than
producing functional kids for
tomorrow's economy. |
Intelligence News
Feb 2023. Toronto Sun:
16-year-old student was
suspended from St. Joseph's
Catholic High Scholl and
arrested because he asserted in
class that there are only "two
Good vs. Evil: a new battlefield
"The difference between our
political movement and the
forces we are fighting could not
be more obvious. They
believe in leftist gender
ideology and poisonous critical
race theory. We believe in the
existence of
two genders: there
are men and there are women."
Donald Trump, 45th U.S.
President |
Olympic Games
Degenderization madness will cause
Armageddon (the last and destructive battle
between the forces of good and evil) in
Olympic Games' movement will win the noble
and thus save
Olympic Games from decay
and sudden death.
Sexless Cultures
By 2050
Population in sexless
cultures will decrease by 52% compared to 2020.
NATO army exercises
will focus primarily on
conducting LGBT parades...
Virtuous families will survive devastating
city fires. They will unite and build a
normal city. |